Notes on Specialization - Structuring Machine Learning Projects
published on September 10th, 2023
I just completed the third part of the specialization on Coursera.
I'm writing these notes as a summary to remember better and be able to review things
If results are not satisfactory, there are lots of things to try
Many of those things will be expensive, take time
ML strategy is about what of these should you try to improve
Decompose potential actions into orthogonal directions
Know what actions to take based on the problem you have
4 core assumptions in ML
You can fit the training set on the cost function well, otherwise use
a more powerful network / architecture (layers, hidden units, batch normalization, activations, ...)
better optimization (algorithm, initialization, longer runs, more compute)
more input features
Fit dev set on cost function well, otherwise
apply regularization / reduce overfitting training set
get a bigger training set
address data-mismatch between training and dev set
Fit test set on cost function well
Get a bigger dev set?
Perform well in the real world
Use different cost function?
Single number evolution metrics
Single number evaluation metric makes it much faster to evaluate and compare models
Ex: F1 score (harmonic mean of precision and recall)
Optimizing vs Satisficing metrics
Optimizing metric: Maximize / minimize this number
Satisficing metric: aka Guard rail metric. Meet a certain threshold.
Ex: When considering accuracy, running time and memory consumption, makes sense to make accuracy the
optimizing metric and running time and memory consumption satisficing metrics (as long as some
threshold is met it's OK)
Train / dev / test set distributions
Important: dev, test (and prod) have to come from the same distribution
Otherwise you're shooting on the wrong target
May be OK for training set to be from different distribution
Examples of what not to do:
Dev set: US, UK, Europe, Test set: India, China, Asia
Dev set: middle-income zip codes, Test set: low-income zip codes
Dev set: cat pictures from internet, Test set: cat pictures from users
Guideline: Choose dev and test set to reflect data you want to do well on.
Dev & test set sizes
Dev set: big enough to detect differences between different models
Test set: big enough to give high confidence in real-world performance
When to change the cost function
If it doesn't capture well what you really want to achieve
If doing well on your cost function in dev and test does not mean doing well in your application
then change the cost function.
Bayes Error & comparing to human level performance
Bayes error: error on best possible performance
This is frequently $>0%$
Human level performance
Often the best proxy for Bayes error (=best human level performance possible, e.g. team of experts)
Humans are pretty good at a lot of tasks, esp. natural perception
While worse than humans, you can
Get labled data from humans
Gain insight via manual error analysis
Better analyze bias & variance
Avoidable bias: Difference between Bayes error and training error
Surpassing human level performance
Not impossible
Especially on tasks where there is a lot of structured data (e.g. pCTR, product recommendations,
predicting transit time, credit scoring)
Week 2
Error Analysis
How do you decide if you want to try a certain avenue? E.g. making your cat classifier better on
Evaluate the ROI via error analysis - look at 100 mislabled examples. How many of these are dogs?
Evaluate multiple ideas in parallel with a spreadsheet (e.g. dogs, big cats, blurry images, mislabled, ...)
Strategy: Build first system quickly, then iterate on most promising ideas
Cleaning up wrong lables
DL algos robust to random errors in training set
systematic errors are a different topic
On dev / test set: analyze ROI - is it worth it?
Training & Testing on different distributions
Can be OK, but algo might struggle on data it hasn't seen at all
Introduces "data mismatch" as a new error type. This can be analyzed by additionally having a
train-dev set (a dev set that has the same distribution of the training set)
Can the measure (1) bias, (2) variance (on train-dev), (3) data mismatch (between train-dev and dev) and (4) overfitting dev set (on test set)
Can augment training data, e.g. with synthesized examples,
but need to be careful to not synthesize from a small pool, otherwise algo will overfit that
Adressing data mismatch
Carry out error analysis to understand differences
Make training data more similar (e.g. synthesize, get more training data, ...)
Transfer Learning
Learn on task (a), then swap out last (or a few / add a few) layers of already trained network and
fine-tune on task (b)
Depending on how much data you have for task (b) train only the last layer(s) or the full network
Transfer learning makes sense if:
Input data to the two tasks is the same
You have much more data for task (a) than for task (b)
Tasks are similar / low-level features from task (a) will be useful for task (b)
Multi-task learning
Learn multiple tasks at once, a "multi-headed model"
Example: multi-object classification (is it a car, a cat, a dog, ...)
Loss function: just sum over the individual losses $\frac{1}{m}\sum_{i=1}^m\sum_{j=1}^n L\left(y_j^{(i)}, \hat{y}_j^{(i)}\right)$
Using examples with only some lables present: Just use loss functions for those and ignore the rest
(don't sum over all $j$)
Multi-task learning makes sense if:
The different tasks could benefit fromt he same low-level features
Amount of data for each task is roughly similar
Can train a NN big enough to handle all tasks
End-to-End Deep Learning
Instead of breaking a task into a sequence of tasks and have a "pipeline", just train a single
network from end-to-end
Works well if there is lots of data
Breaking into individual tasks works better if (a) these are simple and well-understood and (b)
you have good data for them
Example: Face-ID (currently) works better if broken into two tasks:
identify bounding box of face
compare face to DB of faces (is this the same image?)