Notes on Specialization - Improving Deep Neural Nets
published on September 3rd, 2023
I just completed the second part of the specialization on Coursera.
I'm writing these notes as a summary to remember better and be able to review things
My notes (PDF of notes I took on the Remarkable 2)
Slides from the lecture
Jupyter notebooks
Here is a summary of the topics and notes I took for them
Bias-Variance tradeoff or Underfit vs Overfit
To get an understanding of bias and variance of our model, we need to split the training data into training, dev and (maybe) test set
We need a test set if we want to get an unbiased estimate of our models real-world performance
70%/30% or 60%/20%/20% split rules may or may not apply - you just need enough data in dev and test sets to estimate the fit
e.g. on a training set of 10M examples, maybe 100K enough for dev / test set
High bias seems to be a synoym for underfitting the training set
High variance seems to be a synonym for overfitting
What to do against high bias (underfitting)?
More powerful model (e.g. more layers / hidden units / different architecture)
Better optimization algorithm
Better initialization
Tune learning rate
What to do against high variance (overfitting)?
Regularization (L2, dropout, early stopping)
Larger / more diverse training set
L2 Regularization
Adds a cost term $\frac{\lambda}{2m}\sum_{i=0}^n w_i^2$ to the cost function
This creates a linear term for the parameters in the gradient
Sometimes called "weight decay"
Drops random neurons in the hidden layers of the network
Hyperparameter $\text{keepprob}$ which keeps neurons alive
Scale activations by $1 / \text{keepprob}$ after dropping
During backprop
Drop the same neurons as during forward prop from the gradient of the activations $dA$
Scale the gradient of the activations $dA$ by $1/\text{keepprob}$.
Having inputs on the same scale speeds up learning
Shape of cost function should be more uniform, making it easier for gradient descent to point to the minimum
Need to normalize data in the same way during dev/test/production!
Vanishing & Exploding Gradients, Initializations
Gradients in earlier layers depend multiplicatively on gradients of later layers
If gradients of later layers are all (or most) $> 1$ the gradient will explode
If gradients of later layers are all (or most) $< 1$ the gradient will vanish
Parameter initialization can help with this
Don't initialize parameters to 0 or large values. This will lead to vanishing or exploding gradients, respectively
Recommended: He initialization: $\text{Var}(w^l_{ij})=\frac{2}{k^{l-1}}$ (where $k^l$ is the number of nodes in layer $l$).
Numerical Approximation and Gradient Checking
It's easy to get gradient implementation wrong, we can use the numerical approximation to check it:
\frac{dJ}{d\theta_i} \approx d\tilde{\theta}_i = \frac{J(\theta + \epsilon_i) - J(\theta - \epsilon_i)}{2\epsilon}
Where $\epsilon_i$ is the $i$-th unit vector multplied by $\epsilon$.
To validate if the actual implementation close enough, check
\frac{\Vert d\tilde{\theta} - d\theta \Vert_2}{\Vert d\tilde{\theta} \Vert_2 + \Vert d\theta \Vert_2} \approx \leq 10^{-7}
Mini-Batch Gradient Descent
Instead of doing gradient descent on (a) the full batch of training examples or (b) a single example (stochastic gradient descent) do it on small batches (e.g. 64 - 2048 items)
Uses vectorization, forwardprop and backprop can process a whole mini-batch at a time, so tends to be faster
Cost function and gradients will be less smooth than with full-batch => use momentum or ADAM
Tune mini-batch size (another hyperparameter), ideally so problem fits into GPU memory
Exponentially weighted averages
Keep an exponentially weighted average of $\theta$'s by computing
v_t = \beta v_{t-1} + (1-\beta)\theta_t
Intuition is that $v_t$ is the velocity and $\theta_t$. $\beta$ controls how quickly velocity changes. Approximately we're averaging over $\frac{1}{1-\beta}$
values. (E.g. 10 values for $\beta=0.9$)
When $v_0=0$ we can use a bias correction term $\tilde{v}_t = \frac{v_t}{1-\beta^t}$.
This is a very memory-efficient way of maintaining a running average (only need to remember one term).
Gradient Descent with Momentum
Use exponentially weighted average on the gradients.
v_{dW} &= \beta v_{dW} + (1 - \beta)dW \\
v_{db} &= \beta v_{db} + (1 - \beta)db \\
W &:= W - \alpha v_{dW} \\
b &:= b - \alpha v_{db} \\
Smoothes over fluctuations, helps with stochastic or mini-batch gradient descent.
An alternative way of smoothing out gradient updates.
S_{dW} &= \beta_2 S_{dW} + (1-\beta_2)dW^2 \\
S_{db} &= \beta_2 S_{db} + (1-\beta_2)db^2 \\
W &:= W - \alpha\frac{dW}{\sqrt{S_{dW} + \epsilon}} \\
b &:= b - \alpha\frac{db}{\sqrt{S_{db} + \epsilon}}
Adam Optimization
Uses both momentum and RMSprop together
v_{dW} & = \beta_1 v_{dW} + (1-\beta_1) dW \\
v_{db} & = \beta_1 v_{db} + (1-\beta_1) db \\
S_{dW} & = \beta_2 S_{dW} + (1-\beta_2) dW^2 \\
S_{db} & = \beta_2 S_{db} + (1-\beta_2) db^2 \\
\corr{v_{dW}} &= \frac{v_{dW}}{1-\beta_1^t}\\
\corr{v_{db}} &= \frac{v_{db}}{1-\beta_1^t}\\
\corr{S_{dW}} &= \frac{S_{dW}}{1-\beta_2^t}\\
\corr{S_{db}} &= \frac{S_{db}}{1-\beta_2^t}\\
W &:= W - \alpha \frac{\corr{v_{dW}}}{\sqrt{\corr{S_{dW}} + \epsilon}} \\
b &:= b - \alpha \frac{\corr{v_{db}}}{\sqrt{\corr{S_{db}} + \epsilon}}
Adam paper
Hyperparameters: typically tune $\alpha$, leave $\beta_1 = 0.9$, $\beta_2 = 0.999$ and $\epsilon = 10^{-8}$.
Learning Rate Decay
Can be useful to decrease learning rate as learning progresses, to take smaller steps near the minimum
There are different schemes
e.g. $\alpha = \frac{1}{1 + \text{decayrate}\times\text{epochnum}}\alpha_0$
stepwise manual decay
exponential decay
Local optima & Saddle points
Because there are many parameters, optimizers of NNs unlikely to get stuck in a local optima
E.g. in 20000 dimensions, it is unlikely that a point is a minimum along all dimensions if its not a global minimum
However, saddle points or plateaus are a problem, they can make learning very slow
Hyperparameter Search
Hyperparameters and their Priorities
Not all hyperparameters are created equal / have the same priority
P0: $\alpha$
P1: #hidden_units, $\beta$ (momentum), mini-batch size
P2: #layers, learning rate decay
P3: Adam parameters ($\beta_1, \beta_2,\epsilon$)
How to search for Hyperparameters
Don't search on a grid, search with random values
Allows to try out many more values for each hyperparameter
Consider a coarse-to-fine approach: First search a larger space, then zoom in on the space that works best
Picking an appropriate scale
Some parameters are OK to search for in linear scale, eg. #hidden_units
Others need a log scale, e.g. $\alpha, \beta$.
When wanting to search $\alpha \in [0.0001, 0.1]$ it doesn't make sense to search linearly,
search in log-scale instead
Sample exponent in $a\in[-4, -1]$, then set $\alpha$ to $10^a$.
Similar for $\beta$, when wanting to search in $[0.9, 0.999]$ search for $1-\beta$ with the
above method instead
Panda vs Caviar Strategy
Panda strategy: babysit one model, try different optimization strategies one after another
Caviar strategy: try many approaches at once, then pick the winners
Use caviar strategy when you can (=enough computational power for the data set), panda when you must.
Normalized Batch / Batch Norm
Softmax Regression
Softmax layer can be used for multi-class classification. Outputs a vector of $n \times 1$
Somewhat unusual layer since it acts on the whole vector
$$\text{softmax}_i = \frac{e^{a_i}}{\sum_j e^{a_j}}$$
where the sum over $j$ runs over the activations of the last layer.
ML Frameworks and TensorFlow
Many different frameworks to choose from, many viable alternatives
Choose a framework that
Is nice to code in (reading and writing)
Has good performance
Is truely open (open source + good governance)
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