published on October 24th, 2013
Now that I've learned about Coq for a while, I've wondered if I could actually used it to prove something useful yet. One thing I thought would be interesting but not to hard was to prove that insert and delete operations on red-black trees are sound.
Alas, I've discovered that comming up with structures and proves myself was a lot harder than just doing the exercises in software foundations. But I've kept at it and I now sort-a kind-a proved that the insert operations maintains the order of a red-black tree, one of its three defining properties (the others are perfect black balance, and non-consequitive left-leaning red nodes).
The proofs are still full of holes, but they are holes that I am confident I can fix given a little more time (they should not be complicated). It ain't pretty, but I am glad I got this far:
Require Export SfLib.
Module RbTrees.
Inductive RbColor : Type :=
| RbRed
| RbBlack.
Definition flipColor (c:RbColor) : RbColor :=
match c with
| RbRed => RbBlack
| RbBlack => RbRed
Inductive RbTree : Type :=
| tip : RbTree
| node : RbColor -> nat -> RbTree -> RbTree -> RbTree.
Fixpoint rotLeft (t:RbTree) : RbTree :=
match t with
| tip => tip
| node c n l r =>
match r with
| tip => node c n l r
| node rc rn rl rr => node rc rn (node RbRed n l rl) rr
Fixpoint rotRight (t:RbTree) : RbTree :=
match t with
| tip => tip
| node c n l r =>
match l with
| tip => node c n l r
| node lc ln ll lr => node lc ln ll (node RbRed n lr r)
Definition rightIsRed (t:RbTree) : bool :=
match t with
| node _ _ _ (node RbRed _ _ _) => true
| _ => false
Definition twoRedsOnLeft (t:RbTree) : bool :=
match t with
| node _ _ (node RbRed _ (node RbRed _ _ _) _) _ => true
| _ => false
Definition balanceR (t:RbTree) : RbTree :=
if twoRedsOnLeft t then rotRight t else t.
Definition balanceL (t:RbTree) : RbTree :=
if rightIsRed t then rotLeft t else t.
Definition bothLeftAndRightAreRed (t:RbTree) : bool :=
match t with
| node _ _ (node RbRed _ _ _) (node RbRed _ _ _) => true
| _ => false
(* these evidence carrying booleans would be nice here *)
Definition flipColors (t:RbTree) : RbTree :=
match t with
| node RbBlack n (node RbRed ln ll lr) (node RbRed rn rl rr) => node RbRed n (node RbBlack ln ll lr) (node RbBlack rn rl rr)
| _ => t
Inductive flipable : RbTree -> Prop :=
| flip_intro : forall (n ln rn:nat) (ll lr rl rr : RbTree),
flipable (node RbBlack n (node RbRed ln ll lr) (node RbRed rn rl rr)).
Inductive Cmp : Type :=
| LT
| EQ
| GT.
Fixpoint cmp (n m:nat) : Cmp :=
if beq_nat n m then EQ else
if ble_nat n m then LT else GT.
Fixpoint insert (nn:nat) (t:RbTree) : RbTree :=
match t with
| tip => node RbBlack nn tip tip
| node c n l r =>
match cmp nn n with
| EQ => t
| LT => flipColors (balanceR (node c n (insert nn l) r))
| GT => flipColors (balanceL (node c n l (insert nn r)))
Fixpoint blt_nat (n m:nat) : bool :=
match n with
| O => match m with
| O => false
| S m' => true
| (S n') => ble_nat n' m
Definition bgt_nat (n m:nat) : bool :=
blt_nat m n.
Fixpoint rbForall (f : nat -> bool) (t : RbTree) : bool :=
match t with
| tip => true
| node _ n l r => andb (andb (rbForall f l) (f n)) (rbForall f r)
Definition gtTree (t:RbTree) (m:nat) : bool :=
rbForall (bgt_nat m) t.
Definition ltTree (t:RbTree) (m:nat) : bool :=
rbForall (blt_nat m) t.
Theorem excluded_middle :
forall P:Prop, P \/ ~ P.
Lemma unflipable : forall (t:RbTree),
~flipable t -> flipColors t = t.
destruct t.
simpl. reflexivity.
destruct r. simpl. reflexivity.
destruct t1. simpl. reflexivity.
destruct r.
destruct t2. simpl. reflexivity.
destruct r. unfold not in H.
assert (flipable (node RbBlack n (node RbRed n0 t1_1 t1_2) (node RbRed n1 t2_1 t2_2))).
apply flip_intro. apply H in H0. inversion H0.
simpl. reflexivity.
simpl. reflexivity.
Lemma rbForall_flipColors : forall (f : nat -> bool) (t:RbTree),
rbForall f t = true -> rbForall f (flipColors t) = true.
intros. induction t.
Case "t=tip". simpl. assumption.
Case "t=cons". remember (node r n t1 t2) as t.
assert (flipable t \/ ~ (flipable t)). apply excluded_middle.
inversion H0. destruct H1. simpl. simpl in H. apply H. assert (flipColors t = t).
apply unflipable. apply H1. rewrite H2. apply H.
Lemma rbForall_balanceR : forall (f : nat -> bool) (t:RbTree),
rbForall f t = true -> rbForall f (balanceR t) = true.
Lemma rbForall_balanceL : forall (f : nat -> bool) (t:RbTree),
rbForall f t = true -> rbForall f (balanceL t) = true.
Lemma rbForall_insert : forall (n m:nat) (f : nat -> nat -> bool) (t:RbTree),
rbForall (f n) t = true -> f n m = true -> rbForall (f n) (insert m t) = true.
intros. induction t.
Case "t=tip". simpl. unfold rbForall. unfold rbfold. rewrite H0. simpl. reflexivity.
Case "t=cons". remember (cmp m n0) as cmpEq. destruct cmpEq.
SCase "m < n0". simpl. rewrite <- HeqcmpEq. apply rbForall_flipColors. apply rbForall_balanceR. admit.
SCase "m = n0". simpl. rewrite <- HeqcmpEq. assumption.
SCase "m > n0". simpl. rewrite <- HeqcmpEq. apply rbForall_flipColors. apply rbForall_balanceL. admit.
Inductive rbOrdered : RbTree -> Prop :=
| O_Tip : rbOrdered tip
| O_Cons : forall (n:nat) (c : RbColor) (l r : RbTree),
rbOrdered l -> rbOrdered r ->
gtTree l n = true -> ltTree r n = true ->
rbOrdered (node c n l r).
Lemma flipColor_keeps_order : forall (n:nat) (c:RbColor) (l r : RbTree),
rbOrdered (node c n l r) -> rbOrdered (node (flipColor c) n l r).
intros. inversion H. apply O_Cons. assumption. assumption. assumption. assumption.
Lemma flipColors_keeps_order : forall (t : RbTree),
rbOrdered t -> rbOrdered (flipColors t).
intros. remember t as tt. induction H.
Case "t = tip".
simpl. apply O_Tip.
Case "t = node ...".
assert (flipable t \/ ~ (flipable t)). apply excluded_middle.
inversion H3. rewrite <- Heqtt in H4. inversion H4. simpl.
rewrite <- H8 in H. apply flipColor_keeps_order in H. simpl in H. apply H.
rewrite <- H9 in H0. apply flipColor_keeps_order in H0. simpl in H0. apply H0.
rewrite <- H8 in H1. unfold gtTree in H1. simpl in H1. unfold gtTree. simpl. apply H1.
rewrite <- H9 in H2. unfold ltTree in H2. simpl in H2. unfold ltTree. simpl. apply H2.
assert (flipColors t = t). apply unflipable. apply H4.
rewrite Heqtt. rewrite H5. rewrite <- Heqtt. constructor; assumption.
Lemma balanceL_keeps_order : forall (t : RbTree),
rbOrdered t -> rbOrdered (balanceL t).
Lemma balanceR_keeps_order : forall (t : RbTree),
rbOrdered t -> rbOrdered (balanceR t).
Theorem insert_keeps_order : forall (n:nat) (t : RbTree),
rbOrdered t -> rbOrdered (insert n t).
intros. induction H.
Case "O_Tip". simpl. repeat constructor.
Case "O_Cons".
remember (cmp n n0) as Hcmp.
destruct Hcmp.
SCase "n < n0".
simpl. rewrite <- HeqHcmp.
apply flipColors_keeps_order. apply balanceR_keeps_order. constructor. assumption. assumption.
unfold gtTree.
(* rbForall (f n) t = true -> f n m = true -> rbForall (f n) (insert m t) = true. *)
apply rbForall_insert. apply H1.
(* cmp n n0 = LT -> bgt_nat n0 n = true *) admit.
SCase "n = n0". simpl. rewrite <- HeqHcmp. apply O_Cons; assumption.
SCase "n > n0".
simpl. rewrite <- HeqHcmp.
apply flipColors_keeps_order. apply balanceL_keeps_order. apply O_Cons. assumption. assumption. assumption.
unfold ltTree. apply rbForall_insert. apply H2.
(* cmp n n0 = GT -> blt_nat n0 n = true *) admit.
This is all quite rough of course, I think I can learn a lot but iterating upon it until I have a nice solution. Dependent types are not easy!