Types and Tailcalls

A Look at the Idris Internals, Part II - Taking the Parser for a Spin

published on January 17th, 2016

After we've looked at how the parser ends up being called in the last post, I thought it would be a fun little exercise to spin up the Idris parser on the GHCi REPL to see if we can get some expressions parsed and what kind of AST they produce.

To spin up ghci, we need to go throught the usual cabal configure && cabal install dance and then run cabal repl. Calling ghci with the desired target file directly (e.g. Parser.hs) won't work, as Idris generates some files during build time which won't be available in this case.

As briefly mentioned in the previous post, we can use the runparser function to actually run a specific parser, but how do we call it? The type signature looks a bit hairy at first:

runparser :: StateT st IdrisInnerParser res -> st -> String -> String -> Result res

but it's actually quite simple: The StateT st IdrisInnerParser res is the type in which the different building blocks for the parser are defined. In fact, most of the parser building blocks have a type of IdrisParser and this is just defined by type IdrisParser = StateT IState IdrisInnerParser, so st is specialized to IState, the big state record in Idris. There is an idrisInit binding, which defines an empty IState, and we'll just use that for our experiments at the REPL. All that is left is to pick an appropriate parser for us to start the experiments. Looking at the different building blocks of the parsers, we notice that many take an argument of type SyntaxInfo. Idris parses some parts of its syntax things differently depending on the context (for example if a DSL binding has been defined). We will not burden ourselves with such details right now and use the defaultSyntax defined in AbsSyntaxTree.hs to keep things simple.

Let's start with a powerful parser which allows us to parse a siginficant part of the source code. The prog is easily missed, but it actually allows us to parse full Idris programs. Here is a very simple one:

ghci> import Idris.Parser
ghci> import Idris.AbsSyntaxTree
ghci> let myProgram = "id : a -> a\nid x = x";
ghci> putStrLn myProgram
id : a -> a
id x = x
ghci> :t runparser (prog defaultSyntax) idrisInit "(test)" myProgram
runparser (prog defaultSyntax) idrisInit "(test)" myProgram
  :: Text.Trifecta.Result.Result [PDecl]
ghci> runparser (prog defaultSyntax) idrisInit "(test)" myProgram
Success [tydecl id : a -> a,pat {_2}       id x  = x where []]

So we see that the result from the parse is wrapped in a Result datatype from the Trifecta library (this can basically be a Success with the result or a Failure with some information on where the parse went wrong and why) and returns a list of PDecl, which is the datastructure that represents top-level declarations of the idris language. These are defined in AbsSyntaxTree.hs.

We can see that the actual PDecls are pretty printed, which is too bad, since we wanted to figure out how the parsing result was exactly represented in the datastructure. My standard hacky way to work around this^[If there is a better way, please let me know] is to simply comment out the existing show instance for these datatypes and derive them instead. To do this we have to comment out the Show instances on lines 1582 to 1592 in AbsSyntaxTree.hs and add deriving Show clauses to PDecl', Directive, PClause, PData', PTerm, PAltTerm, PDo' and PTactic' in the same file. Doing so and running the above commands at the REPL again gives us (slightly reformatted)

ghci> runparser (prog defaultSyntax) idrisInit "(test)" myProgram
Success [
    PTy (DocString (Options { sanitize = True, allowRawHtml = False
                            , preserveHardBreaks = True, debug = False})
                   (fromList []))
        (Syn { using = [], syn_params = [], syn_namespace = [], no_imp = [], imp_methods = []
             , decoration = <<fn>>, inPattern = False, implicitAllowed = False
             , maxline = Nothing, mut_nesting = 0
             , dsl_info = DSL { dsl_bind = PRef (builtin) [] >>=
                              , dsl_return = PRef (builtin) [] return
                              , dsl_apply = PRef (builtin) [] <*>
                              , dsl_pure = PRef (builtin) [] pure
                              , dsl_var = Nothing
                              , index_first = Nothing
                              , index_next = Nothing
                              , dsl_lambda = Nothing
                              , dsl_let = Nothing
                              , dsl_pi = Nothing
             , syn_in_quasiquote = 0
        (PPi (Exp {pargopts = [], pstatic = Dynamic, pparam = False})
             No location
             (PRef (test):1:6-7 [(test):1:6-7] a)
             (PRef (test):1:11-12 [(test):1:11-12] a))
  , PClauses (test):2:1
             [ PClause (test):2:4
                       (PApp (test):2:4 (PRef (test):2:1-3 [(test):2:1-3] id)
                                              [PExp { priority = 1, argopts = []
                                                    , pname = {arg0}
                                                    , getTm = PRef (test):2:4-5
                       (PRef (test):2:8-9 [(test):2:8-9] x)

This is a bit long, but going through it bit by bit and ignoring some parts, we can hopefully make sense of it. First, there are two top-level declarations PTy and PClauses, which are constructors of the PDecl' datatype. The PTy is a type declaration which consists of a Docstring, a list of Name-Docstring tuples (presumably for the parameters), a SyntaxInfo (briefly touched on before), a FC (which is a source location and here pretty-printed to (test):1:4, I think this is the position of the :), a list of FnOpt (extra info such as if a function is inlinable, total, etc.), a Name, another FC (source location, this is the position of the name) and finally a PTerm, which is here a PPi, a dependently-typed function type.

The PClauses is a pattern clause, so really the list of pattern matching definitions. It features a source location (FC), a list of function options (FnOpts), a name (this seems to be the {_2} here, indicating that this name was implicitly generated) and a list of PClause' PTerm, which are the actual clause definitions.

We could drill down further on each of these, and of course there is a ton of details which I blissfully ignore, but I feel like that going this far has given me a fairly good superficial understanding of how parsing works in Idris in the sense that if I needed to find out how something works in detail, I would know where to look and find it fairly quickly. The next post will take a brief look at how the initial parse result is processed further.

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