Types and Tailcalls

Unit testing TypeScript types with dtslint

published on May 21st, 2018

In the course of writing and updating typeful-redux I've started to write quite a few type operators. These are essentially type-level functions which allow quite powerful type transformations thanks to TypeScripts many powerful type-level features.

As these operators become more powerful and more complicated, the need to test their correctness has increased. Especially for libraries like typeful-redux, where the main advertised feature is type correctness and enhanced type safety, it is really important that the type operators actually work as intended.

dtslint to the rescue

dtslint is a tool written by Microsoft to lint d.ts files, it leverages the great TSLint along with some additional rules to check the quality of .d.ts TypeScript declaration files. My understanding is that dtslint was mostly created to check the typings of libraries at DefinitelyTyped. We're going to leverage its expect rule to write type-level unit tests.

The setup

The main reason for this article is that I found the setup to use dtslint for unit tests not completely straight-forward and I couldn't find anyone writing about it, so I tought that giving a step-by-step guide might be helpful to the next person trying to do this.

First step is to just install dtslint, it's on npm, so this is quite simple:

$ npm install --save-dev dtslint

Next, we'll need a directory where we want to put the type test files, in typeful-redux I've decided to put this in the test/types folder. We'll augment the scripts section in package.json with a dtslint entry pointing to this directory:

/* file: package.json */
    // ...
    "scripts": {
        // ...
        "dtslint": "dtslint test/types"

In the test directory, we'll need at least three files, tsconfig.json, index.d.ts and tslint.json (technically, the last one is not strictly needed, but we'll need it here).

tsconfig.json should contain the compiler configuration from the project with a few small changes. For typeful-redux, it looks as follows:

/* file: test/types/tsconfig.json */
  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "es5",
    "module": "commonjs",
    /* Strict Type-Checking Options */
    "strict": true,
    "noImplicitAny": true,
    "strictNullChecks": true,
    "strictFunctionTypes": true,
    "noImplicitThis": true,
    "alwaysStrict": true,
    /* Additional Checks */
    /* next line commented out because we need unused vars for type tests */
    // "noUnusedLocals": true,
    "noUnusedParameters": true,
    "noImplicitReturns": true,
    "noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": true,
    "lib": ["es5"],
    /* dtslint needs these to operate in this directory */
    "baseUrl": ".",
    "paths": { "typeful-redux": ["../../src"] }

So these are just the tsconfig settings used in the project except that we need to remove unusedLocals and add a baseUrl pointing to the current directory and possibly the paths of the type definitions of any library we may want to use.

Next up is index.d.ts, dtslint's idea is that this is the main type file of the library. Since we're after writing type level unit tests here we just leave this empty except for one comment:

/* file: test/types/index.d.ts */
// TypeScript Version: 2.8

The // TypeScript Version: 2.8 controls the TypeScript version against which dtslint checks the definition file. Depending on the use case, more versions may or should be listed here, but for my purposes, using TypeScript 2.8 is needed and so I don't want to test against any older versions.

Finally tslint.json, this file is only needed if the default dtslint rules will be modified. We need to do this as we are violating dtslint default rules by having an empty index.d.ts:

/* file: test/types/tslint.json */
  "extends": "dtslint/dtslint.json",
  "rules": {
    "no-useless-files": false,
    /* I find this rule annoying, so I'm disabeling it ;) */
    "eofline": false

So what about the tests, Jim?

Ah yes, the tests, the reason we're doing all of this stuff ;). We're almost there. First lets see if our setup works. If you're following along at home, you should be able to run

$ npm run dtslint

> typeful-redux@0.3.0 dtslint /home/pkoerbitz/dev/ts/typeful-redux
> dtslint test/types

and get (... drumroll ...) nothing. Well, um, yes, dtslint isn't exactly super chatty about what it is doing which is certainly the largest complaint I have about the whole approach, but that's what we've got. If you want to make sure that dtslint is actually doing its thing, then comment out the no-useless-files rule and run again which should give you something like the following:

$ npm run dtslint

> typeful-redux@0.3.0 dtslint /home/pkoerbitz/dev/ts/typeful-redux
> dtslint test/types

Error: /home/pkoerbitz/dev/ts/typeful-redux/test/types/index.d.ts:1:1
ERROR: 1:1  no-useless-files  File has no content. See: https://github.com/Microsoft/dtslint/blob/master/docs/no-useless-files.md

    at /home/pkoerbitz/dev/ts/typeful-redux/node_modules/dtslint/bin/index.js:101:19
    at Generator.next (<anonymous>)
    at fulfilled (/home/pkoerbitz/dev/ts/typeful-redux/node_modules/dtslint/bin/index.js:5:58)
    at <anonymous>

ah, so much better, what does the exit code say?

$ echo $?

Good. Comment-in the no-useless-files: false line again. Now we're ready to add our first 'test'. We can actually add other TypeScript files into the test directory (test/types here) and dtslint will happily lint them for us. The key to writing tests is that there is an expect rule which takes a special comment and checks that the next type is the same as the one in the comment:

/* file: test/types/type-helpers.ts (but name is not important) */
// Testing that the type on the next line is string - this will fail ;)
// $ExpectType string
type Test_01_number_is_not_string = number;

Let's try this:

$ npm run dtslint

> typeful-redux@0.3.0 dtslint /home/pkoerbitz/dev/ts/typeful-redux
> dtslint test/types

Error: /home/pkoerbitz/dev/ts/typeful-redux/test/types/type-helpers.ts:3:1
ERROR: 3:1  expect  Expected type to be:

Fantastic. dtslint's output is not quite on the level of mocha or jest (I assume they're taking pull requests ;P) but it's is certainly much much better than not being able to test type operators. Now we can happliy go along and write unit tests for our type operators. The actual type-helpers.ts test file looks as follows:

import { Arg1, Arg2, Equals } from '../../src/type-helpers';

// $ExpectType string
type Arg1_extracts_arg1_from_unary_function = Arg1<(x: string) => void>;

// $ExpectType string
type Arg1_extracts_arg1_from_binary_function = Arg1<(x: string, y: number) => void>;

// $ExpectType never
type Arg1_extracts_never_from_nullary_function = Arg1<() => void>;

// $ExpectType string
type Arg2_extracts_arg2_from_binary_function = Arg2<(x: number, y: string) => void>;

// $ExpectType string
type Arg2_extracts_arg2_from_trinary_function = Arg2<(x: number, y: string, z: number) => void>;

// $ExpectType never
type Arg2_extracts_never_from_unary_function = Arg2<(x: number) => void>;

// $ExpectType never
type Arg2_extracts_never_from_nullary_function = Arg2<() => void>;

// $ExpectType true
type Equals_string_string_is_true = Equals<string, string>;

// $ExpectType false
type Equals_string_number_is_false = Equals<string, number>;

Happy type testing!

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